SIMA® Applied:
How We Assist Individuals, Teams, Organizations

Maximizing Your Potential and the Potential of Others

This highly interactive and dynamic presentation and workshop teaches SIMA concepts and techniques that participants can apply immediately to themselves and others. The presentation/workshop has been given to groups of presidents, small business owners, senior executives, managers, human resource professionals, employees, academicians, counselors/psychologists, job hunters, parents, and those seeking a more meaningful life.

Working Effectively with Your Manager/Leader 

This highly interactive and dynamic workshop helps your employees understand and appreciate your MAP (your Motivated Strengths) and to use that knowledge to forge a stronger working relationship with you, as they learn to use the information to improve performance and productivity.

Enhancing Team Relationships and Performance

This highly interactive and dynamic workshop helps team members better understand and appreciate each other’s Motivated Strengths and potential areas of weakness, leading to discussions of ways to work more effectively with each other individually and as a team.

Job Fit and Career Decision Making

One of the benefits of going through the SIMA process is that it will enable you to create a picture of the kind of work you find most satisfying. That picture becomes particularly useful when you compare it to a specific job, career, or work activity. When you are in a role that fits your MAP, you are likely to be highly motivated and satisfied, and more likely to excel. When you are in a role that doesn’t fit well with your MAP, you are likely to be unmotivated and frustrated, and thus more likely to perform poorly. When you end up in a job, or on a career path, that is not a good fit with your MAP, neither you nor your employer gains.

Executive Coaching & Management Development

You have a MAP (Motivated Strengths) which when used in the right circumstances, enables you to excel, but the same Motivated Strengths in the wrong context could end up as weaknesses if they are not understood and managed well. We help you better understand and manage yourself and the implications of your MAP and identify areas for development and improvement. The understanding you gain will have lifelong value.

Resolving Performance Problems

Poor job fit is a major reason for poor performance, as is not managing one’s Motivated Strengths well. By comparing your MAP to your job, you as well as your manager (if you choose to involve him or her), can gain an understanding as to why your performance is not good. Together you and your manager can redesign the job, or seek a role that more appropriately uses your motivated strengths.

Candidate Assessment and Selection

Selection and succession evaluations should be predictive. That is, as a result of this appointment, what is this person motivated to focus on and what are the potential consequences of that focus? When might this person’s motivated strengths become weaknesses? What can be anticipated and what steps can be taken to better ensure this individual’s success, and thus the organization’s success?

When a person succeeds in a job or role, it is because they have the Motivated Strengths needed, and when they fail, it is often because their MAP doesn’t fit what is needed, or they have used their MAP in such a way that it has become a weakness.

We begin by helping the organization and hiring manager define what is needed for success in a job or role (critical job requirements.) Then we contrast a candidate’s MAP to those selection criteria. The best prospect for a job is an individual whose MAP aligns well with the critical job requirements.

Through SIMA, individuals and employers can make more informed selection and succession decisions, and take actions that will improve the person’s chances for success. When people end up in jobs that are not good fits, no one gains. The cost of poor job fit to people and organizations can be enormous.

SIMA can be combined with extensive interviewing with former and current bosses, subordinates, and peers to provide a thoroughness that minimizes the risk of making poor selection decisions.

When Retiring

Being engaged in an activity that is personally meaningful is important to feelings of satisfaction and success. When you understand your MAP, you will be in a better position to make decisions about post-retirement plans and how to best direct your time and energy. Your MAP is a description of you in action when you are most highly motivated. Its value as a predictive job fit tool is not limited to paid work. It can be used to help you determine how to best focus your time and energy in ways that are highly motivating for you when you retire from paid work.

Helping Students

When you understand your MAP, you will be in a better position to define the circumstances and conditions in which you are most highly motivated to learn (the ways you learn best), and the subject areas you are naturally most interested in learning about. This knowledge will enable you to make more informed decisions in regard to the learning process and courses of study and improve your ability to take action to improve your performance as a student.